Cody Is Rodeo

Aug 212023 6 minute read


The Cody Nite Rodeo is considered the "Rodeo Capital of the World". If you don’t believe it just read the sign! Now, it's also known for the only rodeo in the U.S that has a performance nightly throughout the summer months.


Photo Courtesy of Robyn Rogers


Cody was known as Buffalo Bill’s town where he held tryouts for his Wild West Show
in front of the Irma hotel.


Irma Hotel
Photos Courtesy of Park County Archives

A few years after his death, a parade and rodeo celebration began in 1919 as a way to commemorate Buffalo Bill Cody and the “wild west”. We can only imagine what the after parties were like at Wolfville Hall. A little drinking, dancing and gambling perhaps? If you look closely in the old parade photos below you may recognize a few buildings. Keeping our heritage and small-town flavor alive is an important quality that our Cody community offers.

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Old Stampede Parade Photos and Wolfville Hall
Photos Courtesy of Park County Archives

Originally the rodeo grounds were at Circle Drive and Stampede Ave. The current location is on the west end of Cody headed out of town toward Yellowstone National Park at 519 W Yellowstone Avenue. Have you ever wondered how Stamped Avenue got the name?

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The old rodeo grounds at Circle Drive and at Stampede Ave.
Photo Courtesy of Park County Archives

The Cody Rodeo is considered a starting place for young cowboys and cowgirls alike, where professionals practice their craft. Lots of famous cowboys started in Cody, like Bill Smith, Mel Stonehouse, Cecil McMillian, Nick Knight, Floyd Stillings, John Kirkpatrick, Normal Price and Arthur Holman. And, world champions and pros like Jim Houston, Chris LeDoux, Tom Ferguson, Deb Greenough, and Dan Mortensen have performed at the Cody Nite Rodeo.

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Old Cowboy Photos Photos Courtesy of Park County Archives

For more interesting facts and cowboy interviews there is an article in our local newspaper, titled, "Cody Nite Rodeo has storied past, celebrates 80 years after debut in 1938" By LEW FREEDMAN [email protected] Aug 8, 2018

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Kids Calf Scramble
Photo Courtesy of Robyn Rogers

Between the antics of the rodeo clowns and the announcer, and the romping “kids calf scramble”, the entertainment never slows down. Watching all of the kids line up across the arena in the dirt and muck in flip flops, sandals, cowboy boots and tennis shoes is comical just waiting to see what they do when the calves run out toward them with kerchiefs tied on their tales. The kids of all ages and sizes are running, falling down, doing anything possible to grab the cloth and win a prize. Size doesn’t matter, sometimes a winner is determined by being in the right place at the right time. Great fun for all.

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Photos Courtesy of Cody Heritage Museum

The Cody Heritage Museum on Sheridan Avenue by the fire department is another good place to view some history of Cody and the Cody Stampede Rodeo. It’s a small quaint little museum with lots of information about Cody and a quick in and out if you are on our main street walking around.


You can enjoy the Cody Nite Rodeo from June 1st - August 31st at 8 pm nightly. On any summer evening you will find downtown Cody emptied out as most everyone heads for the 8 o’clock rodeo. Get your tickets and head out for a unique and exciting experience before August ends because Cody, Wyoming is rodeo. Ticket office is located downtown Cody at 1031 12th Street.