A Little Town that Could

Apr 282013 ~1 minute read

Spring is slowly arriving here in Park County, Wyoming.

The East Gate of Yellowstone Park is due to open May 3, 2013 on schedule. This was not the case one month ago when the Federal sequestration went into effect. This area depends on the economy that the Park generates for this area. Two weeks was vital to the economy here.




The State offered equipment and man power to plow the East Gate, but could not pay for it. The Park Service could not pay for it either because of the Federal sequester. So the Cody chamber started a campaign to raise $100,000 in two weeks to get the Park open on time on May 3.

Donations came in from all over the County, some small and some larger, whatever could be afforded. The money was raised in a week. Plowing began on April 1. A “little town that could” showed that Federal, State and local communities can work together. Read more about this story at http://www.yellowstonegate.com/tag/plowing/